The Justice and Peace Commission


Justice and Peace are inter-related. Prophet Isaiah refers to peace as “an enterprise of justice” (Is. 32:7). According to Vatican II’s teaching, peace is more than the absence of war: it cannot be reduced to the maintenance of a balance of power between opposing forces nor docs it arise out of depostic dominion, but it is appropriately called the effect of righteousness (cfr. G.S. 78). Earthly peace arises from the love of neighbour growing from the peace of Christ. All Christians arc called upon not only to love peace but equally to be peacemakers. When we act with justice and work for justice we pave the way for peace and strengthen God’s kingdom among us. In fact it (justice) challenges the human community to seek a (metanoia) a change of heart (cfr. Prov. 20:17; Amos 8:7) as a means to eradicate injustice of all kinds.


The Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) in Hoima Diocese is one of the worldwide networks of the same commission established to address the social injustices and hardships of the poor and marginalized in society. In Hoima Diocese, it also works as an advocacy arm which helps the Bishop to ensure that people in our communities can live and enjoy dignified lives.
The JPC has a limited staff of four people and these include; the executive secretary, the program’s officer, an accountant, office manager and in June, 2017 Miss. Hellen Carvalho from Brazil will join the team as a volunteer.
The commission has been involved in a number of activities such as carrying out research in the districts of Masindi, Buliisa, Kibaale and Hoima to find out how violent conflicts on land, ethnicity and resource-based in general can be mitigated and /or transformed for harmonious existence. The results of the research can be found in the booklet entitled: “The People’s Voice for Social Justice: The Impact of Investment Policies on Security of the Citizen’s Lives and Property in Uganda” published in October, 2009.
Our biggest challenge has been institutional strengthening due to lack of funds and this has hampered our progress in implementing some of the important resolutions suggested in the Social Teachings of the Church such as the African Synod and the resolutions of Africae Munus: the Church in Africa at the service of reconciliation, justice and peace.


An empowered people of God living in a just and peaceful Bunyoro inspired by the values of the kingdom of God and the social teaching of the Church.
Mission: To contribute creatively to the building of a just and peaceful society through training, engaging, research and advocacy based on: the Sacred Scriptures, the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church (STC) and peoples’ cultural values.
Objective: The overall objective is to empower communities by building the civic competence of the people so that they can make informed decisions, respect human life and dignity by promoting both the Gospel and human values of love, peace, justice, reconciliation, honesty, and human rights for all the people of God in Hoima Diocese.

Specific objectives:

i) To foster a fuller understanding and greater recognition of the basic equality between all human beings.
ii) To stimulate observance, protection and promotion of the rights of the human person in the light of the Gospel, peoples’ cultural values and the Social Teachings of the Church (STC).
iii) To be a visible sign of justice and peace in the Diocese of Hoima.
iv) To translate the Social Teachings of the Church to actions that aim at the development of the people of Hoima Diocese for the glory of God.
v) To continually disseminate the findings of the mini-survey carried out by the commission in the districts of Buliisa, Hoima, Kibaale, Kiryandongo and Masindi.
vi) To implement such teachings of the Church for the improvement of the quality of life of human beings.
vii) To identify and raise awareness of injustices in our society, including structural injustice and their root causes.
viii) To make recommendations to the Bishop and his Curia on matters related to justice and peace in the Diocese.
ix) To collaborate with people of other faith traditions and beliefs for the promotion of social justice in every aspect of human life.
x) To collaborate with different tribal and cultural leaders on matters of justice and peace.
xi) To establish a Justice and Peace Resource centre for research, documentation and archiving of issues of peace, social justice and human rights violation.
xii) To organize, plan and implement community awareness programs up to the grass root levels.
xiii) To interpret, translate and disseminate relevant information from both the state and the Church, such as the constitution of the republic of Uganda, Oil and Gas policies, the Uganda land act and the Social Teachings of the Church (STC).
xiv) To conduct civic education through workshops and seminars among others.
xv) To Lobby and advocate for the wellbeing of the masses affected by socio-economic and political injustices.
xvi) To conduct psycho-social support programs and activities for the traumatized members of our communities.

According to Fr. Dr. Deogratias Rubagumya who works as the Executive Secretary of Justice and Peace Commission in Hoima Catholic Diocese, the commission has just concluded trainings of key stakeholders on human rights, the African charter, and good governance. Board members and parish coordinators have also been trained in conflict resolution and management, negotiation and mediation skills. Very soon, the commission shall establish a mediation center at the Diocese to help reconcile people with conflicts and disputes.

GOAL:  That the Catholic citizens be encouraged to participate fully in politics (activities that govern society) and seminars for political education be given to people of all levels of our society by competent civil and Church leaders.


  1. That all Christians be made aware that the existence of injustice in all fields i is abominable to God.
  2. That there is a need for an on-going conversion: to change our life style and learn to do good.
  3. That our youth both at home and at school be taught the value of justice in the day-to-day life.
  4. That some people interested in leadership, be chosen and prepared for the noble but different art of politics (cfr. G.S.75).
  5. That our leaders be encouraged to practice the act of clean politics without primarily aiming at personal gain, and bribery must be pointed out as something evil.
  6. That the Church continue its message and programme of Moral Rehabilitation as a method of reshaping our morality and 'stopping injustices.
  7. That there be conditions and terms of services to the clergy, religious and employed workers of the church both salaried and non-salaried.
  8. That there be seminars for making people aware of our cultural values, especially that of human solidarity found in extended families and clans.
  9. That people be sensitized about human rights as well as their political rights and duties.