The Code of Canon Law understands Church as: Christ’s Faithful, incorporated into Christ through Baptism. Christ’s faithful participate in their own way in the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ. Each person in a particular condition of life is called to exercise the mission which God gave and entrusted to the Church to fulfil in the world. This Church, established and ordered as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church governed by the successor of Peter and the Bishops in communion with him (cfr. can. 204 para. 1 & 2}.

For the sake of making easy services in the Church, the universal Church is sub-divided into dioceses and those equivalent to them (cfr. can. 368). A diocese’ is a portion of the people of God, given to a Bishop to be directed by him with the collaboration of the clergy so· that, loyal to its pastor and being formed by him into one community in the Holy Spirit through the Gospel and the Holy Eucharist, constitutes one particular church in which the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ is truly present and active (cfr. can. 369).

The Diocese itself is divided into parishes. Far from being the buildings and administrative centre, the Parish is a community of believers, maintained in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. By the guidance of the Parish Priest, Christ’s faithful in a parish participate in divine worship and share in activities pertaining to their conditions of life. A parish is God’s family comprising of the clergy and the lay faithful. This extended family of the christian clan has its interior characteristics, as well as external manifestation of Christian life style.

The Priests, through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, are configured to Christ, the Head. That enables them to act in his name, exercising a ministry through which the Church is built up into the people of God, Christ’s body and temple of the Holy Spirit. Priests should occupy their position of leadership in full cooperation with the lay faithful and seek not to be served but to serve and to give life as a ransom for many (Mt. 20:28). They should lead the lay faithful to the unity of charity. They do also have a duty of bringing about harmony when disputes and misunderstandings arise so as to make everybody feel at home in the Christian community.

The religious have a significant place and role in the Church. Although their state of life does not belong to the hierarchical structure of the Church, it does pertain to the life and holiness of the Church. By professing evangelical counsels through vows or other sacred bonds recognised and approved by the Church, men and women consecrate their lives for the good of the kingdom of heaven, that consecration enables them to offer a unique witness to the body of Christ (cfr. L.G. 29; can. 207 para. 2).

The lay faithful contribute to the welfare of the Church: in a special way they illuminate and order all temporal things that these may advance according to the law of Christ. At smaller levels of the sub-parish, outstation and the small christian community, the lay faithful put to use their tal1mts of leading and guiding the people of God. These talents or charisma are given by the Holy Spirit for the building of the body of Christ (cfr. 1Cor. 12: 1-2). It becomes necessary therefore, that each community at whatever level will choose from among its members, leaders that form bodies for leadership or councils. The following diagram shows the structure of the Christian Community from the christian family up to the Diocese and the structures of leadership.

The aim of such a structure is to assist in the administration of the Church. Every individual person will see clearly his/her place in the (extended) family of God. The structural bodies of leadership, namely, the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the Deanery Council, the Parish Council, the Sub-Parish Council the Kisomesa Council and Mugongo Council, take on the role of animating the communities:
Therefore each council comprises of members chosen to lead particular commissions, departments and committees whose function is to reinforce the animation of Christian Communities. ·
These leaders will therefore care that:

  1. All councils and committees are properly managed.
  2. Social analysis is made for ecclesial administration.
  3. The diocesan organs liaise with the Uganda Episcopal Conference, AMECEA, SECAM, HOLY SEE.
  4. That the Organs will disseminate relevant information to their respective communities.
  5. The Organs make maximum use of the expert personnel available.